The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

Congratulations to Alexis James for being our member of the month- You rock!!

3 rounds of:
Bearcrawl + 10 Squats
Spiderman + 5 Push-ups

Kosack stretch> Dragon
Ankle stretch/pistol sit + pulse

3 Stage goblet squat x 5 reps

Single leg squat (Pistol) progression and practice

Squat technique
Tempo Squats 7 x 3-5 repetitions
Front Squat/ Overhead Squat

Advanced athletes:
Single leg squats 5-7 sets x 6-10 repetitions
*Watch movement video for progression guidance

Part B:
For time:
Males: 30-24-18-12-6 Push-ups
Females: 20-16-12-8-4 Push-ups
*Sets must be unbroken for RXD
*8 minute cut-off
*Aim to improve on last result.

Photo: Part of our workout selfie series- Jo & Andy joining us pool side 😀
Remember a Coastal shirt is up for grabs for best photo this fortnight. We have some strong competition.

WOD: Monday

We hope all of our beautiful mothers had a fabulous weekend.

Run/Row/Bike/Skip 2 minutes.

Shoulders (hang & stretch), hips & ankles

Three rounds of:
Donkey kicks (6 alternating legs)
Shoulder taps + extension (3 per side)
Jump squats x 6
20m Run forward/backward x 2

Alternate and progress:
Kips swings 2x3reps >Pull-ups 2-5 reps
Sumo Deadlift>Russian swing>Full swing

Three round for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups

*Substitute kettlebell swings with dumbbell or barbell snatch.
*Aim to maintain some element of pull where possible. Sub with single arm row (if required).

Photo: On Saturday I asked for selfies including surroundings. Each day I see our members training from their yards/parks and see some of the best scenery. We are so lucky to be able to train outside. Don’t see this as a compromise but as an opportunity. What do you love about your training area? Thank you Alex for the share.

WOD: Saturday

Warm up:
7 cycles of:
Squat > Inchworm> Push-up

Front support rotation (15 seconds each position)

3 cycles (for best movement) of:
5 Front Squat/Goblet Squat
5 Push Press

3 x 5 Thrusters.
Build in weight towards complex. Practice receiving barbell behind the neck.

“Bear Complex”-
Option 1. Barbell
Five rounds for load:
Complete 7 unbroken sets of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press

*No letting go of the barbell or resting on the ground.
*Can combine movements Eg. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press = Squat Clean into Thruster.
* Rest as necessary between rounds.

Option 2. Dumbbell or Kettlebell variation
Five rounds as heavy as possible:
7 unbroken sets (per side) of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
*No rest between sets
*Can combine movements
*Complete 7 sets of left, 7 sets on right
*If various weights are available build in weight/otherwise go as heavy as your movement quality and available weight allows.

#Note: Get into the right head space for this one. Take on the challenge!!!
*Record WOD option, equipment, weight.
Compare results to last time Monday 6th April – HERE

Photo: Megan & her training partner Caidance stretching with ROMWOD after the morning WOD. Love, love, love it!!!

WOD: Friday

Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

Mobility: Two cycles of:
Single leg romanian deadlift
Air Thrusters

Three rounds of:
Push Press x 5 per side
Reverse Lunge x 5 per side
Skip > progress towards Double-unders (30 seconds)

Five, 3 minute AMRAP of:
10 Kettlebell Swings/DB Clean & Jerk/Snatch (empty barbell)
20 Box Step-ups
30 Double-unders

Rest 1 minute between cycles

*Start each cycle from the start. Record repetitions for each cycle and aim to hold/improve on each effort.

*Scale double-unders = 30 second effort. Maintain repetitions from there on.

Photo: Tim wasn’t able to get a photo of his actual PB Clean of 97.5kg, but wanted to share the next best thing- a previous photo depicting his emotions after achieving it 😀

WOD: Thursday

To rest or not to rest…. that is the question.

Warm up
Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

Glute bridge> Toe taps
Bird Dog> Deadbug

Three rounds of:
Run 100m
Shoulder tap to extension x 3 per side

Five rounds for max seconds:
Flexed arm hang or plank hold
Run 400m

Your score is your total time accumulated in either Flexed Arm Hang or Plank.
One attempt per round.

Flexed arm hang is the preferred option for advanced athletes.

#Note: You can not change position or shift weight during the plank hold. Scale plank up for more difficulty.

Photo: 1st entries are in for the fortnight photo comp. Can anyone guess the secret location of Alex and Leesa’s training sessions?

WOD: Wednesday

Warm up:
Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

3 Rounds of:
1 Push-up
2 Sit & Reach
3 Squats
1. 10m Bearcrawl
2. 10m Spiderman
(Alternated rounds until you have completed 3 rounds of Bearcrawl & 3 rounds of spiderman).

5 x 5 Broadjumps (start small > Bigger jumps each round)
5 x 5 Burpees (efficiency then build in speed)

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Broadjump 20m
Burpees (Match no. of Broadjumps. Eg. 10 broadjumps = 10 Burpees)
Bearcrawl 20m

Scale: Reduce distance I.e. 10 m (Aim for more rounds)
Avoiding dynamic loading = complete lunges or step-ups in place of broadjumps and choose a relative number of burpees.

Photo: Times like this get me all sentimental. I love this selfie of Rob & Kimberley. This awesome couple have been a huge part of our life and community since joining Coastal CrossFit in 2012 – celebrating their engagement, wedding, the birth of their kids and so much more. They bring a smile to my face everyday- thankful to have Zoom to keep our community together.

WOD: Tuesday

We can not wait to open our doors to you all. We are anticipating an easing on restrictions in the next 2-4 weeks. Please assist us in being ready and ensure we adhere to guidelines, making this a safe space for everyone. Members please fill in our updated client details form asap (via Facebook members and/or email). Contact me if you have any issues.

Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 mins

4 rounds of:
3 Kipping swings or 3 Sit & Reach
3 Squats

then, run 200m

4 rounds of:
1 Kip swing, 1 Knees to elbow, 1 Toes to bar/ or 3 x Toes to kettlebell
3 Goblet Squats,

then run 200m

10 Rounds for time of:
Run 200m
10 Toes to Bar/ Toes to Kettlebell
15 Goblet Squats

*Complete toes to bar if possible (reduced repetitions if required). Alternatively complete toes to kettlebell.
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken goblet squats. (Use a barbell if required).

Photo: No rest for the wicked!! Danielle get some extra Sunday training in. Awesome work chic.

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!!

Monday 4th May is a public holiday – but we would love for as many of you to join us for a Zoom session at 4:00pm tomorrow.

2 rounds, alternating through
Run 100m
1. 5 x Squat + Push Press
2. 5 x Sit & Reach
3. 5 x Push-up

Mobility: Shoulder/Hips/Ankles

Thruster technique

Sprint effort:
7 Thrusters
7 Push-ups
7 Strict Sit-ups
Run 200m

For time:
Run 400m
50 Thrusters
Run 400m
50 push-ups
Run 400m
50 Strict Sit-ups

Rest 3 minutes

For time:
Run 200m
25 Thrusters
Run 200m
25 Push-ups
Run 200m
25 Strict Sit-ups

*Thrusters: Empty barbell, Dumbbell or Kettlebell

Scale: Push-ups= Choose a repetitions that allow you to get through in no more than 5 sets. (For many people 25-30 reps would be suitable)

WOD: Saturday

Run/Row/Skip?Bike 2 minutes

2 rounds of:
5 Kip swings
5 Muscle Cleans/Clean & Jerk or Sumo Deadlift

2 rounds of:
3 Pull-ups
5 Power Cleans/Dumbbell Snatch (per side)/Sumo Deadlift high pulls

Work technique then increase in weight (5-10 minutes)

Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes of:
Power Cleans 60/40kg / Dumbbell Snatch (per side)/Sumo Deadlift Highpull x 2
Run 200m

*Complete 1 Power Clean + 1 Pull-up, Run 200m, then 2 Power Cleans + 2 Pull-ups, Run 200m, etc… Increase in repetitions as far as possible in the 20 minutes.

*Dumbbell Snatch or Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Increase by 2 reps per round)

*Weight guide: Choose a weight that allows for some touch & go repetitions.

*No pull-up bar- you are on BURPEES with a jump over the barbell!!!

Goal: Aim to complete up to 10 repetitions within the given time frame.

Photo: Just a regular Dad achieving extraordinary things. Make space and time to dedicate to your health and fitness. Your family will thank you for it!!

WOD: Friday

Happy Friday everyone!! We are looking forward to seeing some relaxation on the COVID 19 restrictions. Enjoy a picnic with the family.

Run/Row/Skip or Bike 2 minutes.

3 Rounds of:
6 x 10m Shuttle Runs
6 x Lunges > progress towards jumping lunges
6 x Shoulder tap & extend

Mobilize hips/shoulders/ankles

*Work up in weight for lunges:
Ground to overhead x 6
Alternating lunges x 6

Increment as far as possible:
Buy in:
EMOM x 5 minutes:
‘X’ Burpees
EMOM x 5 minutes:
‘X’ Shuttle Runs
EMOM for as long as possible
Incrementing Overhead weighted lunges (Shuttle run reps+2 each round)

*Choose a challenging but repeatable number of burpees and shuttle runs (Aim for the same number on both movements).
Your lunge repetitions will continue on from your number. Eg. 10 Burpees/Shuttle Runs + 2 reps. First round of lunges will start at 12, then 14, 16…. Continue until you can no longer achieve the required number of lunges in the minute.

Scale: Start with a lower number of burpees and shuttle runs. Do not add weight if your lunges need work.

Photo: We asked our crew to get creative as we didn’t want them to miss out on pulls over the gym closure. We have got an adaptable bunch!! Well done to Russ & Alex – ring rows you can take anywhere. Share your best homemade training set-ups with us.