WOD: Thursday

Ten rounds for load:
Power Clean + Full Clean + Front Squat
Run 200m
*20 min cut off.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Push Press 5-3-1
*Take 3-5 sets to establish your max for each rep scheme.

B. Cadence Push-up Test

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups

WOD: Monday

*Please note that there is no Circuit session today.

A. Back Squat 5 x 5
*Use about 80% of 1RM for working sets.

B. For time:
Row 500m
50 One legged squats
100 Double-unders

















WOD: Saturday

30-20-10 reps for time of:
Power Clean 50/35kg
Toes to Bar


*Please don’t forget that the Kids session and Open Gym are cancelled today.

EMOM x 30 min:
1. Run 200m
2. Max Wall Ball 9/6kg
3. Rest
4. Run 200m
5. Max KB Swings 24/16kg
6. Rest

WOD: Thursday

*Please note that we have a couple of schedule changes between Friday 15th – Tuesday 19th. Please see the slider bar above for details.

A. Tempo Front Squat 5 x 5.
*Tempo = 3 sec. down, 1 sec. bottom, 1 sec. up.

B. Floor Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
*See attached video.

Schedule Adjustment

Hi everyone,

We are off for a short trip away and there are a couple of adjustments to the schedule over this time. Please see below.

Friday: CrossFit Kids/Open Gym Cancelled.
Saturday: No Yoga
Monday: No Circuit

*The adjustments mentioned are the only changes – all other sessions will proceed as normal.

Thanks, Chris & Marie.

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 9 min:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlift 52.5/35kg
5 Power Snatch 52.5/35kg


6 min. to achieve 1RM Clean & Jerk
*Any style of C&J.
*There is no rest between 15.1 and 15.1a

WOD: Tuesday

*All sessions will proceed as normal today (Tuesday). Once again, we do ask that if you have flu symptoms that you do not attend training until you are 100%. Thank you for your understanding.

A. EMOM x 10:
Strict Pull-ups
*You choose the reps.

B. For total time:
Run 200m
Rest 30 sec.
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec.
Run 800m
Rest 2 min.
Run 800m
Rest 2 min.
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec.
Run 200m
*Athletes with injuries related to running will Row.