WOD: Tuesday

*All sessions will proceed as normal today (Tuesday). Once again, we do ask that if you have flu symptoms that you do not attend training until you are 100%. Thank you for your understanding.

A. EMOM x 10:
Strict Pull-ups
*You choose the reps.

B. For total time:
Run 200m
Rest 30 sec.
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec.
Run 800m
Rest 2 min.
Run 800m
Rest 2 min.
Run 400m
Rest 60 sec.
Run 200m
*Athletes with injuries related to running will Row.

Monday: Gym Closed

Hi Everyone,
We have decided to close the gym tomorrow due to myself and Marie being extremely unwell. Please know that we don’t take this decision lightly but we are trying to avoid this flu circling around the gym over and over again.
We would expect to be open on Tuesday, however we do ask that if you are experiencing any flu symptoms that you not attend training until you feel 100% better.
We will be posting this message on facebook and sending texts and emails out but could you please help us out by passing this message on to anyone you know from the gym so that we lessen the risk of someone not getting the message.
Thanks, Chris

WOD: Saturday

For time:
50 Thrusters
Run Loop (around gym)
40 Thrusters
Run Loop
30 Thrusters
Run Loop
20 Thrusters
Run Loop
10 Thrusters
Run Loop
*Thruster must be unbroken for rx’d – you may rest overhead or in the front rack only.

WOD: Friday

A. EMOM x 10:
Wall Climb
*Your choice of reps.

B. Partner workout:
Five rounds for reps/time:
50 Double-unders
Max reps Parallette Shoot Through
*The double-unders work as the timing station.

WOD: Thursday

Three rounds for time of:
30 Deadlift 80/55kg
30 Wall Ball 9/6kg
Run 800m

WOD: Wednesday

A. 5 x 6-8 Pendlay Row
*Maintain weight across.

B. For calories:
60-40-20 rowing strokes.
*Rest as necessary between efforts.

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 21:
1. 50m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg
2. Max Burpees (onto plate)
3. 30 sec. Plank

WOD: Monday

*Well done to all of our ladies who competed over the weekend. Also a big thanks to everyone who went along to offer support!

Ascend for 20 minutes:
1 Front Squat
10/7 Push-ups
Run 100m
*Add 1 Front Squat per round.
*Load is up to you – aim to complete the round of ten inside the 20 minutes.

WOD: Saturday

*Don’t forget that a bunch of our ladies are competing at CrossFit Contessa in Maroochydore tomorrow – please head over and show your support!

Four rounds:
Sled Push 2 x 10m
Farmers Carry 4 x 10m
Bear Crawl 6 x 10m
Slam Ball Put and Take 8 x 10m
*This is not for time. The aim is to work/rest about 1:1. Go heavy!


WOD: Friday

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean 60/40kg
Hand Release Push-ups (x 2)