The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

*Please note that there is no Yoga session today.

AMRAP in 30 minutes:
Run 2 laps of the gym
Fireman’s carry 1 lap of the gym
*This is a partner workout.
*Both partners run together.
*The carry can be shared however you like.
*An individual version of this workout will be available for those who cannot carry another person.

WOD: Friday

For reps:
4 min. Wall Ball 9/6kg
3 min. Burpees (onto plate)
2 min. Toes to Bar
1 min. Rest
2 min. Toes to Bar
3 min. Burpees
4 min. Wall Ball

WOD: Thursday

A. 10 sets: Clean + Thruster + Front Squat + Jerk
*Build in weight across the sets.

B. 500m row.
*Once only – all out effort!

WOD: Wednesday

Ten rounds for reps and time of:
Run 200m
Max reps unbroken Double-unders (75 rep cut off)
10 sec. L-sit
*If you DU are inconsistent, you may choose a set number of reps rather than an UB set.

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 20 min:
1. Deadlift 3 reps
2. Push-up
*Maintain load/reps of your choice throughout.
*Re-grip each DL. No dumping.

WOD: Monday

Welcome back to Madi, Sean & Garr!

13-11-9-7-5 reps for time of:
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Snatch 40/30kg
*Advanced athletes may scale up to Bar Muscle-ups/Snatch 50/35kg.

WOD: Saturday

Please note: No Yoga today.

For time:
25 Ball Slam
Run 100m (with slam ball)
25 Ball Slam
Run 100m
25 Ball Slam
Run 100m
25 Ball Slam
Run 100m
100m Bear Crawl
25 Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg
Run 100m (with KB)
25 Kettlebell Swing
Run 100m
25 Kettlebell Swing
Run 100m
25 Kettlebell Swing
Run 100m
*Performed on a 400m course separated in 100m segments.

WOD: Friday

Unknown and Unknowable Week: Day 5

For time:
Overhead Squat 60/40kg
Push-up/Dip/Handstand Push-up

Snatch the bar every 5 reps during the OHS

WOD: Thursday

Unknown and Unknowable Week: Day 4

A. Turkish Get-up
*Work to a heavy triple.

B. Choose one: Toes to Bar
1. EMOM x 10.
2. Death by.
3. 100 for time.

WOD: Wednesday

Unknown and Unknowable Week: Day 3

EMOM for 30 mins:
1. Row 20/16 Cal
2. Run 200m
3. Rest
4. Run 200m
5. 50 Double-unders
6. Rest