WOD: Friday

I am sad to say that I was extremely disappointed in the turn out for Wednesday’s nutrition presentation.
I am well aware that there would be people with prior engagements but that certainly doesn’t add up to only a quarter of our membership being present.
This lack of attendance shows a foundational flaw in the attitude towards, and understanding of where improved (and continually improving) nutrition fits into your progress as a CrossFitter and your future health.  Furthermore, there was a noticeable lack of “high level” athletes present which either says that they think they have already nailed it or they don’t care. Think about the example this sets to the athletes that look up to you.
It’s been said a thousand times, but you can’t out-train a bad diet. Doing CrossFit is not about simply burning off the crap you ate last night or looking good at the beach. If this is all you care about then you are severely missing the point.
Start to put the same effort into fueling your bodies as you do to training itself and you’ll be amazed at your progress. End rant.

Partner WOD today – come in and see!



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