WOD: Thursday

Working with a partner:
0-4 minutes:
4+ cycles (light load)
3 Snatch
Rest 1 minute
5-9 minutes
4+ cycles (moderate load)
2 Snatch
Rest 1 minute
10-20 minute
1 Snatch (Build/hold load as movement quality dictates)

B: Partner WOD:
40 Snatch for time.
*Share work anyhow
10 minute cap.

Beginner: Working from Hang. 5 rounds x 3 reps.

Photo: We are sad to be saying farewell to Henning this week as he heads back to Europe. It has been wonderful having you with us and you will definitely be missed. We hope your next adventure brings great things your way. Be sure to keep us posted and what comes your way. xoxo

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