WOD: Wednesday

A. Work to a heavy set (left and right):
Dumbbell Power Snatch +
Hang Power Snatch +
2 Dumbbell overhead squat
* Both sides to be completed on a single Dumbbell.

B. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (1+2)
1 Pause Front Squat + 2 Front Squat

Photo: Phil. Congratulations on being the recipient of our most prestigious award - COASTAL AWARD. This award goes to the individual who possess the ideal attributes from a coaching perspective. This person embodies discipline, coachability, positivity, lack of ego. 
Everyday, dispute injury Phil is positive, encouraging and just an all-round amazing human. The world is a better place because Phil is it in. We are so grateful to have Phil with us at Coastal CrossFit. 

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