WOD: Monday

Open 21.2- What a great weekend. For those still to complete Open 21.2 please ensure you have arranged a judge prior to the session. If you are unsure put a message on our members page- I know you will have volunteers to assist you.

TEAM ATTIRE- Points are still to be awarded so be sure to continue to wear your team outfits/chant/encourage, etc until Tuesday 10am to show support for your crew.

3 Rounds for repetitions:
3 minutes:
Row 20/16 calories
20 Toes to Bar
Max repetition Squats

Rest 3 minutes

3 minutes:
Bike 16/12 calories
20 Pull-ups
Max repetition Squats

Rest 3 minutes.

Photo: This is why WOD GODS won the chant…Best ever!!!!

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