WOD: Friday

Happy Friday everyone!! We are looking forward to seeing some relaxation on the COVID 19 restrictions. Enjoy a picnic with the family.

Run/Row/Skip or Bike 2 minutes.

3 Rounds of:
6 x 10m Shuttle Runs
6 x Lunges > progress towards jumping lunges
6 x Shoulder tap & extend

Mobilize hips/shoulders/ankles

*Work up in weight for lunges:
Ground to overhead x 6
Alternating lunges x 6

Increment as far as possible:
Buy in:
EMOM x 5 minutes:
‘X’ Burpees
EMOM x 5 minutes:
‘X’ Shuttle Runs
EMOM for as long as possible
Incrementing Overhead weighted lunges (Shuttle run reps+2 each round)

*Choose a challenging but repeatable number of burpees and shuttle runs (Aim for the same number on both movements).
Your lunge repetitions will continue on from your number. Eg. 10 Burpees/Shuttle Runs + 2 reps. First round of lunges will start at 12, then 14, 16…. Continue until you can no longer achieve the required number of lunges in the minute.

Scale: Start with a lower number of burpees and shuttle runs. Do not add weight if your lunges need work.

Photo: We asked our crew to get creative as we didn’t want them to miss out on pulls over the gym closure. We have got an adaptable bunch!! Well done to Russ & Alex – ring rows you can take anywhere. Share your best homemade training set-ups with us.

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