WOD: Monday

Perform as many rounds as possible in 6 min of:
5 Power Clean 65/45kg
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball 10/6kg (9ft for ladies)

Rest 1 min.

Perform as many rounds as possible in 5 min of:
5 Power Clean 65/45kg
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball 10/6kg (9ft for ladies)

Rest 2 min.

Perform as many rounds as possible in 4 min of:
5 Power Clean 65/45kg
10 Toes to Bar
15 Wall Ball 10/6kg (9ft for ladies)

Notes: This is an interval version of CrossFit Open workout 11.5 which was a continuous 18 minute AMRAP. Why split it into intervals? The intervals allow you to play around with different pacing/strategy and the rest breaks give you an “out” if you get it wrong. My suggestion is that you hit the 6 min. interval as though you were working for 18 min. continuously and see how you feel by the 6th minute. If you get it wrong and go out too hard, you at least have a rest break after 6 minutes to sort it out and if you go too easy you can learn from this and find ways to pick it up in the latter intervals.


5am 915am 345pm 6pm

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