WOD: Friday

Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

Mobility: Two cycles of:
Single leg romanian deadlift
Air Thrusters

Three rounds of:
Push Press x 5 per side
Reverse Lunge x 5 per side
Skip > progress towards Double-unders (30 seconds)

Five, 3 minute AMRAP of:
10 Kettlebell Swings/DB Clean & Jerk/Snatch (empty barbell)
20 Box Step-ups
30 Double-unders

Rest 1 minute between cycles

*Start each cycle from the start. Record repetitions for each cycle and aim to hold/improve on each effort.

*Scale double-unders = 30 second effort. Maintain repetitions from there on.

Photo: Tim wasn’t able to get a photo of his actual PB Clean of 97.5kg, but wanted to share the next best thing- a previous photo depicting his emotions after achieving it 😀

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