WOD: Thursday

To rest or not to rest…. that is the question.

Warm up
Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

Glute bridge> Toe taps
Bird Dog> Deadbug

Three rounds of:
Run 100m
Shoulder tap to extension x 3 per side

Five rounds for max seconds:
Flexed arm hang or plank hold
Run 400m

Your score is your total time accumulated in either Flexed Arm Hang or Plank.
One attempt per round.

Flexed arm hang is the preferred option for advanced athletes.

#Note: You can not change position or shift weight during the plank hold. Scale plank up for more difficulty.

Photo: 1st entries are in for the fortnight photo comp. Can anyone guess the secret location of Alex and Leesa’s training sessions?

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