WOD: Monday

A. Cleans (Power or Squat)
EMOM x 3 minutes
3 Cleans (Light load)
EMOM x 3 minutes
2 Cleans (Moderate load)
6-15 minutes:
2 Cleans (Incrementing to a heavy double for the day)

B. Partner Workout
Five rounds, each for time (TGIG)
5 Power Cleans
10 Burpees (over barbell)
*Choose your heaviest load that allows for some touch and go (3-2) repetitions early on.
* Record individual total work time to complete 5 rounds.

Link- We could not be prouder of our Wild Life Warrior – Winnie.
At such a young age Winnie shows compassion beyond her years. She has taken it upon herself to raise money to assist injured animals and keep our environment clean. Proving one human can have a huge impact.
Thank you for your kind, caring nature and inspiration you give to all of us Winne. You are a very special human!!!!

Please click here to watch Winnie’s story and some of the animals she’s been supporting. For anyone that would like to assist Winnie, donations of bottles would be greatly appreciated.

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