WOD: Wednesday

A. Partner workout
EMOM x 4 minutes
6 Thrusters (hold weight 1- light/moderate)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes
4 Thrusters (hold weight 2 – moderate)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 7 minutes
2 Thrusters (hold weight 3 – heavy but repeatable)
*Partner 1 completes work in 0-30 sec, Partner 2, 30-60sec.
* Choose loads to allow for unbroken efforts to be completed in the specified times.

B. Ascend as far as possible in 12 minutes:
10 Wall ball 9/6kg
Run 180m
Add 10 Wall ball each round (10-20-30-40-50…)

Photo: Gretchel. We have so many of our ladies achieving incredible things and Gretchel is leading the way. Absolutely awesome to be a part of your journey.

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