WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1. Gymnastic Push (7-10 reps) Push-up, Dips, HSPU
Min 2. Strict Sit-ups (10-15 reps)
Min 3. Double-unders (30sec on first round)

* Intension – Strength focus towards to Push movement. Choose repetitions that allow for quality/repeatable movement.
* Work for 30seconds on 1st round to determine repetitions for Sit-ups and Double-unders.

Training affect from the volume accumulation over the 10 rounds, not from high repetitions on each round. Consider total volume when selecting your repetitions.

Photo: Mike getting creative with some block bench.
You don’t need perfect – make do with what is around. It is time to think outside the square. Tree for pull-ups, rock or brick for weights. It is all part of the fun!!!

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