WOD: Monday

A. Perform seven rounds of:
Min. 1: 30 sec. Drop Jumps
Min. 2: 30 sec. Toes to Bar

B. On the minute every minute for 7 minutes: Double-unders
*Pick your own reps (must maintain).
*Novices work 40 sec on, 20 sec off for reps.

Post box height, and reps from part A and B to comments.

MarieJasonMUCoastal LadiesGroup Shot80s PartySome shots from Saturday’s competition and the 80’s themed after party.  Thanks to everyone for a great day and night – look out for a full write up of the day coming soon.


1 Comment

  • Welcome back to Bear who returned to training today after a long layoff. Great to have you back in the gym.

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