WOD: Thursday

A. Back Squat 3 x 5 (add 2.5kg to last time)

B. AMRAP in 12 min.
10 x Box Jump Over 20″ (you may touch top of box)
20 x Wall Ball 10/6kg

Post load and rounds completed to comments.

sirkka rope

Why does Squatting play such a big role in our training?  Considering that most people join our gym to gain general fitness, it could be easy to overlook the value of having a heavy back squat in the pursuit of this type of fitness.

To be honest, I don’t care how much your back squat is  – in a numbers sense. I care about is the multitude of benefits that the back squat provides. The back squat is a great developer of what is referred to as hip extension (the opening of the hip joint) and it is this basic human function that is responsible for just about all athletic and functional human movement (running, jumping, sitting, throwing a punch or a ball, swinging a racquet or a bat) and people who can open their hips under a large load (heavy back squat) are typically more capable of performing these tasks. Add to that improved flexibility, balance, coordination, core strength etc. and you should start to see why we place such importance on this movement.

The moral of the story is you are probably going to do a lot of exercises in our gym that you may not understand the full value of and we are always available to answer any questions you might have. Education is key – understand the true value and you’ll be more inclined to want to do the hard work.


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