The WOD's

WOD: Friday

For time:
Buy In:
Overhead Squats (Unbroken) 50/35kg *
Five rounds of:
15 Deadlifts 50/35kg
15 Toes to Bar
Buy out:
Overhead Squats (Unbroken) 50/35kg *

*Overhead squat sets are unbroken. Must put the bar on the ground between sets.

Photo: Fran. Our ladies are on ? Celebrating each other's success and unwavering support for one another brings the best out in everyone.

WOD: Thursday

A. 30-20-10-5 reps for load: Bench press B. Optional extra: Tabata bike Photo: Mel. It was awesome to see Mel challenging herself for Wednesday WOD and absolutely killing it!!

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
50cal Row
40 Wallball 9/6kg
30 Burpees
20 Hang Power Snatch 60/40kg
10 Bar Muscle-ups

Photo: Hoping this guy (Luke B) has a speedy recovery.

WOD: Tuesday

Note# We saw significant improvements across the board in our strength numbers over the past Wendler progression. Don’t miss the gains- be sure to priorities your squats.

A. Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

B. Back Squat (Cycle 1- Week 1) Calculate 90% of your 1RM and use for the percentages below.
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
5+ is designed to be a hard/not true max set. No more than 10 repetitions.*Please know your numbers prior to coming into the gym.

WOD: Monday

A. Five efforts of:
Max repetitions Strict Pull-ups (Chest to bar for advanced)
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Strict Pull-ups *
*Choose your own repetitions and maintain across all rounds.

B. 12minute incrementing ladder:
Run 180m
10 Strict Sit-ups
25 Double-unders *

*Increment double-unders by 25 repetitions per round.

Photo: There are no short cuts – Focus on the quality of your movement, gradually and speed whilst maintaining quality – this will then allow you to build intensity safety and allow for constant progression.

WOD: Saturday

For total load moved: 0-4 minutes Run 360m Max Deadlifts Rest 2 minutes 6-10 minutes Run 360m Max Power Cleans Rest 2 minutes 12-16 minutes: Run 360m Max Shoulder to Overhead Rest 2 minutes 18-22 minutes Run 360m Max Power Cleans Rest 2 minutes 24-28 minutes: Run 360m Max Deadlifts *All movements to be completed at the same weight. * Score= total repetitions x weight. Eg. 212 reps x 40kg= 8480kg moved or 180 reps x 60kg = 10800kg moved. *Use your knowledge of your own abilities to strategize for your best result.

WOD: Friday

Alternate for 18 minutes:
Minute 1: Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x 15/10kg)
Minute 2: 10 x 10m Shuttle Runs

Minute 1: 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 repetitions
Minute 2: 10x10m Shuttle Run (held across all efforts)

*WOD is for completion.
* Scaling: Choose a weight that allows for 25 unbroken thrusters (work capacity test).

*Record any missed repetitions throughout the WOD. Eg. 18/20, 24/25.
Failure: If you fail throughout the format aim to maintain the highest number you can through the difficult sets until the repetitions come back down. Eg. 18/20, 15/25, 15/20, 15/15, 10/10, 5/10. The repetitions you choose should be just achievable/not be easy.

WOD: Thursday

Four rounds, 4 min. work/1 min. rest:
75 Double-unders
25/18 Hand Release Push-ups (feet on 20kg plate)
Max. reps Toes to Bar

Photo: What an awesome day in the box!! Great to see the Back Squat progression creating gains!!

WOD: Tuesday

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
Push Press 3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 3-3-3-3
*Aim to increment up in weight on each of the 12 sets.
*Rest sufficiently between sets for good recovery.
*Bar is to be taken from the ground.