





We said goodbye to 2018 and have welcomed in the New Year.  We hope you had a wonderful time relaxing and celebrating with friends and family.  If like me you over indulged during the festive season, it is not the end of the world.  Heck, I loved it!!

But now is the time to get back on track with nutrition and training.  Whether you have been working towards better health and fitness for a long time, or are just starting a journey of Wellness here are a few things which will hopefully make the transition a little easier.

1.       Focus on your Why?

Do it for you!! Regardless of your goal (elite fitness or general well being) optimizing your health and fitness is going to give you a better quality of life overall.

The by products are many: more energized, stress relief, quality time with kids, the ability to try new pursuits, weight loss etc, etc.  There are only positives!!!

2.       Get organised

Chances are after a little while off training you are not going to be springing out of bed on your first day or week back.  Make it easier on yourself- pack your bags the night before, set your alarm.  Get your discipline back on track and everything will be easier.

 3.       Discard the temptation

If you are inclined to succumb to the leftover nibbles and deserts simply get rid of them, or there will be a greater chance you will give into temptation (Out of sight out of mind).

4.       Buddy up

Get your gym buddy with the same goals and assist one another with motivation – commit to one another and give each other a kick along if needed.

5.       Reward yourself

Go and get yourself some new training gear and/or training shoes and add a little extra spring to your step.

6.       Enjoy the Journey & Reflect 

Reflect on when your felt your healthiest and happiest- You are aiming to get back here, then beyond.  This will only happen when you are consistently doing the things that got you there in the first place.

If it has been a while since you trained give yourself time, aim to enjoy the process and the journey.  This may be hard to do at first but will get easier and you feel your progression.  Then stay to course…

If it has only been a couple of weeks- simply get back into it and you will find your groove soon enough.

Be sure to look back from time to time to see your long term achievements and be sure to celebrate your small milestones along the way.   Eg. Your first quality push-up, your first pull-up are achievements in themselves but are also stepping stones towards muscle-ups (Learn to walk before you run).

Remember Wellness is a journey

If you are looking for a positive fitness experience with a supportive community to help you reach your health and fitness goals, contact us today.

“Be better today than you were yesterday and be better tomorrow than you are today” – Lorenzo Snow.



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