Magnesium- Why you should be using it!

As always, we promote a good varied diet based around “Meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar” ( as we believe good nutrition and establishing lifelong healthy habits is now and always will be the foundation of health & fitness (not supplementing with artificial products).  There are few exceptions to this- one includes the use of Magnesium for majority of our clients due to its never ending benefits.
Vegetable, nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium however, due to modern day agricultural processes and the depletion of magnesium within the soil (hence into our food) our magnesium consumption has also depleted over the years and it is unlikely that anyone eating even a “good diet” would be consuming the required amounts of magnesium for optimal health. This is why we should consider supplementation.

What is the big deal about Magnesium?

Chris Kresser suggests “it is hard to find a modern disease magnesium deficiency isn’t associated with” , so there are more benefits than we know of by adding it to our diet.
A summary of some of the benefits include:
– Magnesium assists in the absorption of nutrients; including the conversion of fats and carbs into energy (just what you need during training).
– Promotes bone density and health.
– Assist in the relief of muscular cramps and spasms
– Post recovery- Increases recovery from strenuous activity including strength and aerobic training.
– When normal magnesium is maintained it helps to protects against inflammation.
– Increased metabolic efficiency (higher metabolism).
– Increased quality of sleep
– Reduced risk associated with many modern diseases

What is the best form of supplementing Magnesium?
There are many forms of magnesium supplementation available and choosing the best for you will come down to personal choice, time, and cost.
– Orally (Magnesium capsules) – Cheap /convenient option, however they generally take longer to absorb into the body (lower absorption rate to other options).
– Liquid Magnesium – Convenient/little more expensive but is more readily absorbed into the body through the skin rather than taken orally.
– Epsom salts (bath)- cheap/less convenient but relaxing and readily absorbed into the body through the skin (12mins x 3 times weekly).

What we use
Personally, we use the liquid magnesium (Vitality Options) due to the convenience and the rate of absorption. We use this daily after showing: apply a couple of sprays into the hands and spreading over legs, arms and stomach. I will spray a little extra on any particular sore areas (quads, etc.).  At first some people may be quite sensitive to the spray, so I suggest watering it down for the first couple of weeks until your body becomes use to it. I have a bottle of watered down spray for the kids that they use regularly.

Every now and then (when we are feeling particularly sore) I may run a bath and use Epsom salts. As a guide I use 2 cups of salts in a warm tub of water for a minimum of 12mins. It is relaxing and you will be doing yourself a huge favour.

We recommend Vitality Options magnesium products – I will be placing an order next week so please get your orders through early.

Phone Marie on Mob: 0432 710 684 or use the following link to order your products.


For some additional reading refer to the following links:
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