The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

For time:
Run 560m
30 Snatch
Run 860m
30 Clean & Jerk
Run 560m

Photo: Shout out to Michael who has been working on pull-up technique. It is awesome to see your hard work paying off in time for the Masters League finals.

WOD: Friday

Ten rounds for time:
10 Pull-ups
Run 100m
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
Run 100m
Rest 30 seconds

Photo: Karla working hard to master the Snatch. Such great efforts all around for snatch cycles.

WOD: Thursday

Snatch cycles:
Three rounds of:
EMOM x 6 minutes:
Min 1: 1 Snatch
Min 2: 2 Snatch
Min 3: 3 Snatch
Min 4: 4 Snatch
Min 5: 5 Snatch
Min 6: Rest

* All snatch repetitions are touch & go
* Increment on each round (3 weights)

Photo: Sophie. Proud is an understatement!! Since starting with us at the end of March Sophie has continued to challenge herself and make significant gains. This past Saturday Sophie hit a personal best on both her sandbag carry and also her Clean – hitting 30kg.
Outside of the gym- Sophie will be heading to Cambodia for her school holidays to volunteer in small local schools as part of Kawana Water College program. We wish you all the best and hope you have an amazing experience.

WOD: Wednesday

20minute AMRAP:
30 second Sandbag Front hold
10 Burpees
30 second Flexed arm hang
10 burpees
30 second L-Sit
10 Burpees

*Choose a weight sandbag for heavy but unbroken sets. Choose L-Sit scale that allows for completion in 2 sets in earlier rounds.

Photo: Can you believe Lou turned 50 yesterday? You are getting better everyday – proving age is just a number. xoxo

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time:
15 Overhead Squats *
75 Double-unders

*Choose a weight that is challenging but allows for unbroken on the first round.

Photo: Congratulations to Isaac who hit 2 PBs on Saturday. What an effort for our Strongman/women Saturday!!

WOD: Monday

Five x 3 minute rounds:
10 Dumbbell Push Press
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
Max strict pull-ups

Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

Photo: Jo training on board their cruise. Happy anniversary Jo & Andy. We hope your travels are amazing!!!

WOD: Saturday

Come and join us for a strong man/women Saturday in the carpark.

Front Rack Carry 4 x 15m
Sandbag carry 4 x 15m

*Use the full session to work up in weight for both movements.

Photo: Lloyd. Wishing Lloyd all the best as he heads to Thailand for a Mui Thai camp for 2 weeks. Be prepared for him to be displaying his new moves upon his return.

WOD: Friday

30-20-10-5 reps, each for load:
Shoulder to Overhead

Photo: Leigh – A great start to every day. I can count on Leigh meeting me at the gym every Tuesday to Friday. You are a legend Leigh.

WOD: Thursday

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
Russian Kettlebell Swings (Unbroken)

Photo: Geordie. Coming into CrossFit with a solid strength background it is great seeing your adaptability towards learning new movements, such as Clean & Jerk and Snatch. You are doing amazingly!!! We look forward to being a part of your CrossFit journey and seeing what you are capable of.

WOD: Wednesday

Four rounds:

Each effort for time of:
Row 400m/350m
20 Burpee (Jump & Touch)
Bike 1000m/900m
20 Ball Slams 20/12kg

*Score: Record fastest and slowest for each movement

Photo: Happy birthday to our beautiful friend in Canada. We miss your smile that lights up any room, your dirty jokes, wicked sense of humor and your beautiful soul – Kimberley.
We miss you everyday but even more today!!