WOD: Monday

A. EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 20seconds*
*Light load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 30 seconds *
*Moderate load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 10 minutes:
1 Snatch *
* Build in load to a heavy single

Note: Snatch can be any style (Power or Squat).
Use the first two EMOMs as a progressive warm-up and move well.
Practice movements that will allow you to go as heavy as possible in the later EMOM.

B. Partner workout
For time:
150 Dumbbell Snatch *
*Choose your own weight
*Share reps anyhow between partners.

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