WOD: Wednesday

Alternate for 18 minutes:
Minute 1: Thrusters/Kettlebell Swings
Minute 2: 10 x 10m Shuttle Runs

Minute 1: 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 repetitions
Minute 2: 10x10m Shuttle Run (held across)

*Choose movement based upon your available equipment:
Thrusters: Dumbbells or Barbell.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell

*Choose a weight that is challenging for the rounds of 20-25-20 repetitions.
*WOD is for completion. Record any missed repetitions throughout the WOD. Eg. 18/20, 18/25.

Photo: Our first Coastal CrossFit KIDS ZOOM was awesome. Thank you to our great bunch of kids. Our KIDS ZOOM will run each Monday & Wednesday 3:30- 4:15pm while we are lockdown.

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